Camp Campbell

Camp Campbell

Fun! Neat! Adventure! These are the words that could be said to describe the thrilling summers you could have at Camp Campbell. Located on the shores of beautiful Lake Lilac, Camp Campbell is a co-ed summer camp for children of all ages. To see a full list of our activities, please visit our activities page!

Think it can't get any better? Think again! Camp Campbell is equipped with the finest facilities and cutting edge 20th century technology. We've also enlisted a highly trained staff that are kind, caring, and above all, not threatening in the slightest. Camp Campbell truly has everything. All that's missing now, is you! We'll be seeing you soon! And remember... Campe Diem!


DISCLAIMER: No, we do not know where Cameron Campbell is, and if he WERE in Super Guantanamo, we wouldn't be at liberty to share that information.